Friday, December 30, 2016

What is

What is
That revolve
A complex system
More places
Stunning color
Your brightness

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jesus in the new world

Jesus in the new world
Undertaking measures
Packaged up but
Still bent
By force steps
Shown here
Generates a platform
Surplus of query
And command
Where everything
Finally stuck
In dividual drives
What looks outside

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Wednesday’s child

Wednesday’s child
In a white field
With a wolf
Both profiles next
As one day
From the distance.

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Changes of a foot

Changes of a foot
Maybe I’m not
As shell-shocked
As you, resigned
For the first time
In almost
The way things
Simply are
Walking to
And fro

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Monday, December 26, 2016

Welcome to a whole

Welcome to a whole
New world
Of entertainment
Many of us
Have mean time
Off while
The branches still
Hold snow 

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

First joy

First joy
In a while
Too decades
Have shaped
My understanding
The invisibilization
As delined in cells
Momentarily snap
Us out

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2017

The amount of time

The amount of time
This had to take
Resort to
Officially or
On hiatus

About this
Kind of thing no
More than lip
Service is given

These old white crooks
Look for that warm
And fuzzy feeling
Counting on coup
And a scattering
Of crow

Don’t feel it’s realistic
To watch the first footage

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The sun out of bed stood (after Elizabeth Bishop)

The sun out of bed stood
Blinded by a waning moon
(of certain without humility, of himself,
As he always, always brows down)
Close and near inside sleeplessness

As if uncertain he’s a nighttime walker

Of a microcosm inhabited,
He'd glare it, under heavens
Or he'd loose a tide of sand
Either a shore, off which he would outcast
Unwrapped distain on a dusted shelf
Or to fetch shadows from a castle mound

Out of this stormy invention he's righted
And what's righted is ever left
Where suns are foggy spread
As he slept all day
When hell is as deep as the storm line
Isn’t it then shallow, as damp his sandy stain

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Quietly sold

Quietly sold
Turned away from
This lovely plot
Of earth
Plowed under
A terrible
Mirror sky
At first light
Then unbearable
Suggestion eats
All its way
To the bank

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Didn't sleep

Didn’t sleep
Have any doubts?

Some thing
Has been broken
This is called
In theory
“That exchange”
Too much
To take in
Before risking
The opposite approach

What will come together
In a traveling show-
(Mind your will
Build an extension)
Your tenets to escape

The stupid smile
Of soldiering
Wins the war
Of soldiering

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Winter salmon

Winter salmon
Flow characteristics
Of their spawning
Nesting pockets
But can be
Only once
And then die

Larger gravel
Ground in
Hooked waters
Then toward the sea
Approaches natal sand

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Winter almost

Winter almost
Once more to
Confront unfounded
Traveling missals
Hostage held
To migrating wind
Blown annunciate
Wallpaper thin
Through a twisting
Mercury mind

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016

No one

No one
About the room
Who among us
Can imagine
A day-lit wayward
Gravel gleaming
Yellow- lined mesas
Kiva egress
Shaped in smoke
At mountain top
A shallow well

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

I have trees

I have trees
Water, the most
Unbelievable land
Scaped, belonging to
Some same realm
Enclosing, covering
Keeping two
Incident in mind

My favorite
Picture ever
A free-decade
Time lapse
Silly putty
Of the earth

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Describing a race

Describing a race
We could start
A bit earlier
To wander
A new
A way

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

Confluence reach

Confluence reach
(Volumes under the bridge)
This has been going down
Since we got here

In their shops
Worn heralds sing
Their presses

Between river
And town
Time- stoppered
News of the day
Throws its sentence
Over volumes

In mean time
The cherry woods
Lay their own
Hard-fingered spans

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Sunday, December 4, 2016

After the rains

After the rains
So much of it
Comprised in gutters
Perpetually jointed
Has come bending
My attention

A world sails by
In it’s gulf

Don’t want
No invention
Come by easy
No Sunday craft
Or Fridays tossed
Upon invention

Don’t need no
Held-up fire arms
No sunny disposition
Tongues are already
Parched for words
Too swollen
To channel the rain

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Friday, December 2, 2016

That woman embraced (after Wallace Stevens)

 That woman embraced a cleanly chance
Unaware then she lived ignoble, so she lived

Lightness, something and inhuman proto-life
Released or let her go from the shallowness of earth

Simplicitate, ethereal rain, trackless out of whom
I doubt with faithlessness, beyond faith.

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

On earth

On earth
Do my colleagues
Place any faith in
On line

Before capitulating
To the power of
They look lovely
On the shelf

In pieces
Applied before
The warp
There are a couple
Of detail shots

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2016