Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is it reckoning unnatural

Is it reckoning unnatural
To seek a seam or find a flaw
Prized for it's flattened flowers
Or cross-sections of carbonized veins
The golem core was incarnate mud
Inspired by magical thinking
And a tendency to split layers
Between fossil words

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A smoke column marks the spot

A smoke column marks the spot
An abandoned camp and travois tracks
Providing they all got there
Without any signals
Or the promise of water
For poaching fish

Without dragging sticks
To carry them home
Disbanded dogs bark
At an obscure moon
Over the smoke 

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

Considering this cracked safe

Considering this cracked safe
Of sticks, tar and brick
Shanty faced inspectors
Fail the threshold test
When vinyl steps
Loosen a way up
Railroad flats.

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bleached in a low noon

Bleached in a low noon
The salted road
And gutted garbage
Complement each corner
Under the off- ramp
Leading to swampland
Flocked by winter migrants
Tuned to tundra
And down for nesting

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

All this cheap furniture

All this cheap furniture
Destined for salvation
Not in use
But in re-use
As a card table
Extends the party

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

The knifed water rips

The knifed water rips
Only a reflected sheath
The rush a false emergency
That slips all eddies
Over stabbing time

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ragged rugged A cold tile floor

Ragged rugged
A cold tile floor
Beds the restive
Voiding mirror

What's the matter
Is not the case
But a brief
Containing air

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Few repaired that license to bleed

Few repaired that license to bleed
Tearing around the lettered blocks
Fixtures in barroom bathrooms
Screwing their courage
For the sticking place
A wound for a womb
The glassine past
Fetal figured and

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Conveyed in the arc of dusk

Conveyed in the arc of dusk
Scraps of menial reason
Weigh demolition dumpsters
Listless as salvage crews
Mustered before dawn on 14th St.

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

A very huge and flightless bird

A very huge and flightless bird
Scavenged here not long ago
Compared with larks of pioneers
It fled with just vestigial wings

And when a starling interval
Replaced the larks of pioneers
The prairie called for scavengers
To find the huge and flightless thing.

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

A farmer's belle did peel and so

A farmer's belle did peel and so
A bird dog crawled to chick nest coop
In her eye ergot did grow
Its trace a little loup de loup

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Morn the raking sun across

Morn the raking sun across
A brand new to the dusty store
Plied with cardboard coffee out
For occupations in distress
Paled now on a hill of beans
Not counting those that got away
Packs of rats hide into holes
That lead to stores of dusty brands

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The khaki aerial view in Times

The khaki aerial view in Times
At distance from the daily dream
Has no smell or acrid pang
For Christian histories scattered dead
Or Prophet's wives in disarray
In courtyard's concrete blasted hole
Profane to private poetry
And plates of dates for visitors

Thursday, January 17, 2013

They've had it up to being here

They've had it up to being here
Who bent more years to excavate
A home but site to separate plots
In place of pilgrim sympathy

The plans to measure egress came
To rutted yards for planting time
There now not spent in holiday
But in stoking fires for underway

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Under this dark roof of morning

Under this dark roof of morning
The table contains a sleet of lists
Rain missing its river
Runs down loosened drains
And day has not yet fallen

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We chased around that sweetgum tree

We chased around that sweetgum tree
Shouting at each other's turn
Which would be the easier death
To drown or  jump 
Back when the question
Smelled of reason
Damp as leaves

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

A fixed culvert flushed

A fixed culvert flushed
The first gut of green release
Out of the dry channel
Becalmed in a loud sea
The lobster arrives

Monday, January 14, 2013

This left over inch has no place

This left over inch has no place
When sequins are re-arranged
Titanic deck chairs are re-climed
And the sedimentation of miles
Suffers a turbid re-birth
To be hulled again

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Heights were supposed after all

The Heights were supposed after all
To be genuine to place
Neither a blasted hill nor a blocked canal
Not grid metered or elevated

Still only the dead know Brooklyn
So long Marianne, Hart, and Walt
Each ferried widely across
An East River never exactly sounded

Tom McGlynn
Copyright 2013

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The good father won't tell

The good father won't tell
What needs fixing

The house depends on a 
Careless better

Who remains to warm up the seats
After the game is over

The good father shouldn't sell
Bedtime stories

The family needs to know
When to call in the cat

Who wanders the streets
Seeking its scratch

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Snares along with Hudson

Snares along with Hudson
Set by Delaware
Under a half moon sailing
Across a turtle bay

Cached a summer bounty
Granted to the people
Traded by the winter
For warming foreign spirits

No one saved the sachem
Who saw the cornfield maze
Rising in the valley
Helpless to the hunter

Tom McGlynn

copyright 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

A night crest is fallen

A night crest is fallen
Over abandoned juries
Of rooks in naves
And wormed announcers

Metered metrics extract
Tribute in little seizures
Thrown in exercise yards
And looped into doing time

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I heard your voice in adolescent girls

I heard your voice in adolescent girls
On streets full of longing
For crying out loud
Lost in expansion joints
I knew you were coming
Born in that century

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Emily and the garden Plath

Emily and the garden Plath
Bees concerting winter lives
Routed homing pigeon's lathe
Weaving cotes for shivered hives

Thong a lark
Or stove a wale
A newt at dark
Renews its tale

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Convenience door men meet

Convenience door men meet
And buzz the dump, flies in redress
At the lit end of the street
More and more is less and less

Just eat the trust
No wonder bread
Can feed the crust
Found nearly dead

Send in your chortled mass
A foyer stranger found
Wheeling in the pass
Sailing to the ground

No wonder bread
Can feed the trust
Found nearly dead
Just eat the crust 

Tom McGlynn

copyright 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

This little light of yours

This little light of yours
Recent rent from gods know where
Fore run from shadowed doors
To nurseries of late repair

Flowered rain hat close to ground
Jest with dada on the way
To school we must but still can found
A silly plot to meaning play

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Putting out pail fires 1,2,3

Putting out pail fires 1,2,3
I heave the ash- strewn sand aloft
It hacks a deem most gingerly
And falls to ground an archer stuff

Tom McGlynn

copyright 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

A packet lies in port

A packet lies in port
A thwart, which is my seat, possessed
A seed, a son, a souvenir
Another year before the mast

At capstan arms the passengers
Winch away the straying wait
Sore liberty for contraband 
Self bestowed this even tide

Tom McGlynn
copyright 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

You sit convinced, half known

You sit convinced, half known
Pretense too mean to rest
A tattooed tin man blown
Oiling for the test

An errant son restores the knight
Into the woods displace, deploy
An unreeled arbor out of spite
A carbine's chamber toy

A giant loosed retains this right
The sling admits no slip
And broken pump lust might
Tap out the virgin clip

Tom McGlynn
copyright  2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bridge creaks gamble

Bridge creaks gamble
Pin oak and asphalt
Trailed home to rattle
Snake crossed switchback

An herb smelling sun
Cut down beyond Sierra
Sharp in lichen shadow
Past angel falls and beer cans

Flooding granite channels
Clinging to choking rushes
Hog-backed and foothill homeless
Empty out the returns

In fire station satori
Corrupted interns spaded
Shallow ash pit whittle
Descending buzzard thermals

Devil's paint pots muddle
Creosote reeking ridges
66 in Mohave paving
Keaton's last chance gas

Profaned kiva timbers
Staked out padre's graveyard
A hole in the wall gang
Weighed in kindred spirits

Georgia's gone south now
Wintering under altitude
While snowing up the valley
Crystal speeds the plow

Tom McGlynn

copyright  2012

Rabble stubbed the holding pen

Rabble stubbed the holding pen
Braked too late this sleep recline
That was now and this is then
Taxed for meter ended time

Bunker down the batter cage
Whistle up the sucking wind
Burn the prayer read purple sage
Shoot for aimless targets twinned

Nothing bucks a legend most
Unseemly as a hart attack
The kids construct a straw man host
As old bear hunters circle back

Venal burst its greasy banks
Deltas shafted then released
Mordant perch in livewell tanks
Spawning now the soon deceased

Tom McGlynn 
copyright 2013